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San Bernardino County Young Dems

SBCYD is committed to engaging the youth of San Bernardino County to mobilize around progressive policies that improve the lives of county residents.

About SBCYD >>>

A message from our President

“We are excited to continue the amazing work that SBCYD has done over the past few years and to help elevate the organization to new heights.”

Gabriel Alfaro President 2025-2026


Gabriel Alfaro

Vice President

Nubia Diaz


Diego Fernandez

Communications Director

Robert Gonzalez


Austin Moon

Fundraising Director

Tariq Azim

Political Director

Mohamad Almouazzen

Upcoming Events

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Advocacy and Updates

Democratic state leadership at home and in Washington

State and Congressional Leaders

Eloise, a proud daughter of immigrants, has been a champion for her community throughout her career. The lack of access to quality legal services in her community led her to become the first Latina to open her own law firm in the Inland Empire in order to provide necessary representation to her community.

Pete Aguilar is the representative for the 31st Congressional District of California. He was most recently re-elected in 2018 and serves on the House Appropriations Committee. In the 117th Congress, Rep. Aguilar holds the leadership position of Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

Next SBCYD General Meeting

Get the latest news about what is happening in the county. Get involved by joining a committee or volunteer to GOTV, work on a special project, and more. Meetings are every 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

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